Luckily for Just Cause, the subpar story and shoddy acting are nicely overshadowed by gameplay that is just too much fun to be ignored.

I'm pretty sure one lady was trying to be both Asian and Jamaican at once, which turned out to be an especially notable hot mess. Things don't get much better with the various faction leaders Rico interacts with, as they all have dialects that don't seem to fit anywhere on the globe. Every time she popped up on-screen, I braced myself for "Me so horny, me love you long time," because that's about the level of depth provided for her. Rodriguez's CIA buddy is a southern-fried good ol' boy who prefers big booms and smoldering remains to diplomacy, and Agency mole Jade Tan is such an amalgamation of offensive Asian stereotypes I'm still not sure where she's actually supposed to be from. The laughable story is performed by some of the industry's worst voice actors, each of whom seems to be trying out new accents on the fly, all designed to offend any who hear them.

The plot then careens down the typical "things aren't what they seem" path without abandon, creating yet another half-baked tale you'll forget about the moment you turn off the console. Of course, things quickly get much more complicated, and Rodriguez finds himself in the middle of a mad grab for power on this seemingly useless hunk of rock. It seems a former CIA operative who just so happens to be Rico's mentor has gone missing, and "The Agency" wants Rodriguez to find out if the missing agent is captured, dead or has possibly even gone rogue.
Just Cause 2 returns series protagonist Rico Rodriguez, who is sent on a black-ops mission to the Southeast Asian island of Panau. While technical bugs and some god-awful voice acting tarnish matters a bit, the core elements of this game make it something we're all going to remember for a long time to come. Just Cause 2 fixes everything the franchise did wrong the first time around and elevates it to a must-play experience. Aside from the GTA franchise, titles like Crackdown and Red Faction: Guerrilla have proven to be masterpieces of gaming, and now we have another title to add to the list. Ever since Grand Theft Auto III brought open-world gaming to the masses, the sandbox action shooter has been a hot genre that's spawned several hits.